Make a Donation
Make a Donation
from $25.00
The more you give the greater impact you have on making a star shine brighter.
Star Level:
Your $25 Donation
A gift of $25 will support material needs for group mentoring sessions.
Your $50 Donation
A gift of $50 will support quarterly enrichment activities.
Your $75 Donation
A gift of $75 will support our Healthy Harvest Heroes community garden.
Your $100 Donation
A gift of $100 will support our annual Believe in Your P.O.W.E.R. workshop.
Your $250 Donation
A gift of $250 supports Soar for Success (College Readiness & Scholarships).
Your $500 Donation
A gift of $500 will support one mentee for our full 10-month program.
Your $1,000 Donation
A gift of $1000 supports one Star’s World Exploration.